Short days, long nights. Crisp mornings, long walks. A time to ponder and reflect on what has been.
Solstices and Equinox are Universal interventions in the Energy cosmos of the planet.Solstice means “Sun standing still”.Winter Solstice signifies the end of winter, and the beginning of the period of Sun.
Days get longer after this day, and we work more with the positive energy of the Sun.Traditionally, it has been celebrated as a welcome to the Sun God. Pagans use it as a powerful time to recreate their energy cycles.

In some parts of the world, it also is celebrated as Saturnalia, a seven day period where Saturn is worshiped.Here are some simple things you can do today:
1. Reflect. Preferably, sit with a paper and write down how the year has gone by. Ponder on how you could have looked at things differently.
2. Light a small bonfire around sunset. In this, burn all that would like to let go of. It could be habits, events that you np longer wish to remember, relationships that were bitter and so on. Pray to the setting sun that you are ready to move on.
3. On your Altar, place a yellow candle and let it burn through the day. Put some fruits, honey, sweets along with it to signify abundance. Consume these tomorrow.
4. It is a time to celebrate the positivity in you. Write about your victories, your success, celebrate the joy you have bought in the lives of others.
5. Smudge your house with sage or incense, and Light candles in the night. This signifies an ode to old energies, thus embracing new ones.
6. This is a time for powerful energy blasts. Those of you on a Spiritual path may experience a surge of energy, and channel it through Automatic writing. Call your Angels and Guides to help you move on to the next level.
Happy Winter Solstice!
Love and Light