“Our Deepest Fear Is Not That We Are Inadequate. Our Deepest Fear Is That We Are Powerful Beyond Measure. It Is Our Light, Not Our Darkness That Most Frighten Us.”
Marianne Williamson, from her book A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
Similar Is The Story Of Manmeet Kumar - A Clairvoyant, Physic And Medium, Whose Life Purpose Are To Raise The Consciousness On The Planet.
How It All Began
At the age of three, Manmeet would have visions of past lives. Through vivid dreams and many interpretations, she could visualise herself in many past lives; and drew on paper around 15 past lives. At this young age, she also had the uncanny gift of looking at people’s bodies and “see” their pain. Later, as an adolescent, she was able to heal people of their emotional pain through touch. All this would continue in Manmeet’s life and not for once did she think that she was different from others.
It was only in 2010, right after the birth of her second child, did her Kundalini awakening start. Two years later, through a near-death experience, she was able to hear and see Angels. She started getting messages for others and her Psychic ability shot up manifold.
She kept hearing her Angels say “You are a spiritual being having a human experience”.
This was her awakening that led her to work with crime beat and help locate missing girls in the States. She started to actively channel messages for others to help them.
Corporate Success
Till this moment, Manmeet had a very successful career with renowned corporations like Leela Palaces, Hotels & Resorts, The Economist, Samsung Electronics & Taj Group of Hotels. A career of more than 19 years in various roles panning across Sales, Marketing, Product Management, Business Development and Business Transformation.
Even at her peak of success, she could not shake the nagging feeling that her goal and purpose in life was much bigger than what seemed to be on the surface. That life had to have a deeper meaning than what seemed to be. She was sure that her Life Purpose was to create consciousness on Earth through Inner Awakening.
A New Life Begins
Since her awakening, there is not a day in Manmeet’s life when she is not creating possibilities - for herself, and for others. She believes that if one wishes to eradicate the cause of pain, the only way out is through sustained intervention. Emotional healing, she believes, is the key to mind and body healing. Each of us has the power to transform our lives - we only need to know-how.
Her Favourite People In Life

Manmeet draws her strength and perseverance from five people, who for her, are like the five fingers of a hand that is strong enough to give both strength and comfort.
Her daughter, Ria: “Child is the father of man”. This statement personifies my bond with my beloved daughter, who has taught me to have an allowance in my life for everything. She is my soulmate and her unique journey has made me believe in Conscious Parenting, something that I would love to share with the world. She is the most amazing, brilliant and shining light in my life, and I know that her light will touch a million lives soon. I admire her sense of freedom, her fierce loyalty and her fearlessness.
Her son, Aarav: My destiny child, my sunshine, he is already a Reiki practitioner at the age of 9. His mission is to heal and create light in the world. I wish I knew at that age all what he knows today. I am impressed with his unconditional love and joy.
Her dad, Col Suwarn Singh: “My dad is the foundation on which all of my dreams come true!” He is her pillar of strength. His quiet determination, his humility, his integrity and unconditional love have touched the hearts of thousands of people. An Army Officer, he has led his life with values and combined it with deep love. His love moves me and motivates me. If there is a living Buddha in my life, it is him.
Oprah Winfrey: Manmeet admires Oprah for her ability to “flip the script”. Irrespective of having gone through abuse and hardships, Oprah has stood strong and how! Her life story is a testimonial on creating possibilities from everywhere.
Louise Hay: The lady who established a Healing platform for the world is certainly an inspiration. The way Louise handled cancer- has inspired millions and established the fact that the body follows the mind. LOVE is the key to all the problems in the world- and no one could have shown it better than Louise.
Marianne Williamson: She is deeply inspired by Marianne Williamson’s work, in particular, her work of “The Course in Miracles”.
What People Say

Kanika Singh
A friendship cherished well over two decades. I have always been in awe of my effervescent friend, Manmeet. Been with her through our ups and downs. She said she found strength in me and I, in turn, found power in her go-getter style.
She had always been a corporate honcho for me and I could hardly ever believe the Manmeet I knew would have anything to do with anything supernatural or for that matter not scientifically proven.
I have my reservations about it… but what she does and how she helps people unbelievably awe-inspiring!
I have seen the direction her words give that have transformed my life… all in Great Spirit!
I cannot but wish all the very best to my dear friend Manmeet!
There are miles to go before we sleep.

Dr. Neha Rao
What can I say about Manmeet! She is definitely a miracle for souls who believe in magic from the universe. The type of magic, which your soul is longing for and understands, very well even though your mind tries hard not to allow it to.
Besides being gifted by the universe in more ways than one, Manmeet is extremely committed to her purpose in this world, which is to spread the light.
Her ability to grasp the problems, which need to be, addressed whether in a one on one session or in a group session are unbelievable.
Above everything, it is her genuine desire to help and her insatiable passion for her job that attract people to her. Moreover, I am sure no one will ever go away from her without having gained something, to say the least.
May she continue her work forever with the same zeal and happiness and may she keep changing lives around her forever.
My immense gratitude to her for everything. God bless!
Her Future Plans

Manmeet’s Soul purpose is to reach out to people and create Consciousness on the planet. As a Lightworker, she wishes to empower people to lead happier lives. A passionate Healer, she wishes to do mass healing across the world – both through group workshops and individual sessions.