Bach Flowers - The Magical Cure For All Diseases
“Treat the person, not the illness"
Edward Bach was a well-known British physician who had treated a lot of patients through immunology and pathology.
Despite his medical success, he felt dissatisfied.
I get asked a lot of times why we should take Bach Flowers? How does it help? How did it originate? Some of us keep skipping it and I think it’s because we don’t understand how exactly it works and what deep effects it can have on us.
Taking the liberty of sharing something that is long. I hope you will be patient and read it till the end. It will create a powerful impact on the brain. It is a long read (about 5 minutes of your day), I hope you can make the time.
"Treat the person, not the illness"
Dr. Edward Bach was a well-known British physician and an immunologist, pathologist and bacteriologist. His discoveries in these areas were pioneering, and his innovative bacterial vaccines have found a permanent place in homeopathic medicine under the name of “Bach nosodes”. Despite his medical successes, he still felt unsatisfied.
For him, an illness was not just a “dysfunction of the human body” but a disharmony between the body and the mind. The symptoms of an illness were the external expression, the bodily manifestation, of negative emotional states.
His postulate was “treat the person, not the illness”.
What is the cause of disease?
He assumed that the cause of disease were negative emotional states
Why do we fall sick?
According to Dr. Bach, illness is “solely and purely corrective, neither vindictive nor cruel, but is the means adopted by our Souls to point out to us our faults, to prevent our making greater errors, to hinder us from doing more harm and to bring us back to the path of Truth and Light from which we should have never strayed”.
At a different place he writes “If you suffer from stiffness of joints or limbs, you can be equally certain that there is stiffness in your mind; that you are rigidly holding on to some idea, some principle, some convention perhaps, which you should not have. If you suffer from asthma, or difficulty in breathing, you are in some ways stifling another personality; or from lack of courage to do right, smothering yourself”.
“Even the part of the body affected indicates the nature of the fault. Injury or affected hand indicates wrong action, the foot indicates failure to assist others, the brain indicates a lack of control the heart indicates wither a deficiency or excess of doing wrong in the aspect of love, the eyes indicate a failure to see the truth even when it is presented to you.”
This observation indicates the so-called language of the body, well known as the following sayings:
Chills up one’s spine
Butterflies in the stomach
Something hard to swallow
The load on one’s shoulders
Being heartbroken
The role of the personality and higher self:
Edward Bach assumed that the 38 “virtues” that serve as links between the personality (our role and behavior in this life) and the higher self. The higher self can be supreme consciousness or our soul. This higher self is the seat of wisdom and correct action.
Suffering happens when a person is not in tune with their higher self. When that happens, these virtues go into a “negative state” or “negative images”. It could look like this:
Courage and faith into fears
Self-esteem into inferiority complexes
Cheerfulness into melancholy
Humility into arrogance
Hope into hopelessness
Bach Flowers reestablish one’s contact with their higher self through their vibrations and help one to regain his or her lost virtue. These negative emotional states are not “fought with” as symptoms, because that would maintain them energetically.
Instead, they are inundated with superior vibrations of energy that according to Dr Bach, “melt them like snow in the sunshine.”
The 38 Bach flowers embody a concept of mind and like a sort of catalyst restores the blocked contact between the higher self (soul) and the personality.
There are 7 negative emotional groups that have subgroups:
Lack of interest in present
Vulnerability to ideas and influences
Despondency and Despair
Excessive concern for well-being of others
Bach flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain. They’re made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. These flowers grow in UK.
Edward Bach, a medical doctor and homoeopath, created these remedies in the early 1900s. Homoeopathy is the belief that the body can cure itself. It uses small amounts of natural substances like plants and minerals to treat the body or mind.
The idea behind Bach flower remedies is similar to homoeopathy. But they use fewer materials and don't work directly on physical symptoms, but instead on the emotions.
Bach believed that healing negative emotions helps the body heal itself.
This system contains 38 remedies that each address a specific negative emotion. The emotions are grouped into seven broad psychological causes of illness:
Lack of interest in present circumstances
Oversensitivity to influences and ideas
Sadness or despair
Cares for others at the expense of self
The Bach remedies are natural, non-invasive and can be used as complementary to other medicines. many cancer, psychiatric and trauma patients take to the Bach therapy to keep depression and panic at bay.
How Emotions Affect Our Life And Decision Making
What are emotions?
Thoughts + Vibrations + Emotions
Thoughts are created in the mind, it has some vibration attached to it and we end up with emotion.
Why are emotions important to decision making?
Your emotions will drive the decisions you make today, and your success may depend upon your ability to understand and interpret them.
When an emotion is triggered in your brain, your nervous systems responds by creating feelings in your body (what many people refer to as a "gut feeling") and certain thoughts in your mind.
Plenty of your decisions are informed by your emotional responses because that is what emotions are designed to do.

First, every feeling begins with an external stimulus, whether it's what someone said or a physical event. That stimulus generates an unfelt emotion in the brain, which causes the body to produce responsive hormones.
These hormones enter the bloodstream and create feelings, sometimes negative and sometimes positive.
So, to review, it’s stimuli, then emotions, then hormones and, finally, feelings. In other words, your emotions impact your decision-making process by creating certain feelings.
Why Are Emotions Important?
They tell us what to do
Emotions serve a purpose, informing you, the operator of your body, what to do. They are our messengers – gut feeling- that give us more information than just what we are seeing.
They are our cueing system
We're constantly faced with an abundance of information that we must process--a lot of stimulation to reflect upon. You do not have time to process all information in a reflective fashion but your brain processes it passively and unconsciously. If your brain comes across something it appraises as a "red flag," you'll be sent a general, vague alert in the form of the feelings and thoughts that are created by emotion. This somewhat imprecise signal alerts you to pay attention. In this way, your emotions serve as a cueing system--an attention directing system associated with physiological changes that can prepare you to take action.
Emotions motivate us to work harder
As per Kendra Cherry, when faced with a nerve-wracking exam, you might feel a lot of anxiety about whether you will perform well and how the test will impact your final grade. Because of these emotional responses, you might be more likely to study. Since you experienced a particular emotion, you had the motivation to take action and do something positive to improve your chances of getting a good grade.
We also tend to take certain actions in order to experience positive emotions and minimize the probability of feeling negative emotions. For example, you might seek out social activities or hobbies that provide you with a sense of happiness, contentment, and excitement. On the other hand, you would probably avoid situations that might potentially lead to boredom, sadness, or anxiety.
They help us to mitigate the danger
Naturalist Charles Darwin believed that emotions are adaptations that allow both humans and animals to survive and reproduce. When we are angry, we are likely to confront the source of our irritation. When we experience fear, we are more likely to flee the threat. When we feel love, we might seek out a mate and reproduce.
Emotions serve an adaptive role in our lives by motivating us to act quickly and take actions that will maximize our chances of survival and success.
They keep us in touch with our values and what is important
The brain stores every incident and our response to it. So, as a child, if you saw someone going to jail for fraud, and later in life, you meet a prospective business partner who looks like he is okay to bend the rules, your emotions will tell you what to do. You may have a feeling in your body that tells you it is the wrong thing to do, though you may have no proof of it.
They help us to understand others and vice versa: just as our own emotions provide valuable information to others, the emotional expressions of those around us give us a wealth of social information. Social communication is an important part of our daily lives and relationships, and being able to interpret and react to the emotions of others is essential. It allows us to respond appropriately and build deeper, more meaningful relationships with our friends, family, and loved ones. It also allows us to communicate effectively in a variety of social situations, from dealing with an irate customer to managing a hot-headed employee.
Charles Darwin was one of the earliest researchers to scientifically study emotions. He suggested that emotional displays could also play an important role in safety and survival. If you encountered a hissing or spitting animal, it would clearly indicate that the creature was angry and defensive, leading to you back off and avoid possible danger.

Emotion | Chemical | Effect on Body |
Anxiety and depression | Harmful chemicals | Liver disease |
Happiness | Serotonin, Oxytocin, Dopmine | Strong immune system |
Jealousy | Fear that you will lose someone. Creates stress, sortisol is released | Poor appetite, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia, stomach problems |
Pride and Contempt | Cortisol | Heartburn, stomach ache, High blood pressure |
Shame | Cortisol | Stress, agitation, low self esteem, depression |
Disgust | Cortisol | Makes heartbeat slow down, nausea |
Fear | Causes the autonomic nervous system to act. Blood drains from our face and goes to muscles and heart for fight or flight. Adrenaline and cortisol are generated | Palpitations, sweating, racing heart, feeling dizzy as blood drains. |
Depression | Brain does not secrete serotonin and dopmine | Isolated, worrier, sadness, weak immune system, insomnia, automimmune diseases |
Love - Racing Heartbeat | Neoepinephrine and Adrenaline | Sweatier hands, Palpitations |
Source Credit: Psychology Today, Verywell Today, Louise Hay, Bach flower website
How Can Bach Flowers Help?
Bach flowers heal emotions. Rather, they cure emotional imbalances that cause disease.
Why should emotion be cured?
An imbalance of emotion creates disease in our body. When we cure the emotion, the root cause itself is cured. Many modern medicines only “manage” disease, they do not heal it.
Many times, we hear that we need to take a particular medicine for the rest of our life. Well, that can be changed. By no means are we suggesting that you leave any medicines prescribed by your doctors. Bach Flowers are “additional” high vibration doses that work on strengthening the immune system by balancing out our emotions.
Bach Flower Remedy Products
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I leave my medicines once I start Bach Flowers?
No, Bach flowers are not an alternative for any medication you may be on. Please consult your doctor before making any changes.
Does Bach Flower have any side effects?
No, these are extracts of flowers and very gentle on the system.
Can anyone take it? Is there an age bracket?
For children under 5, these are prescribed in a different way. Please ask your practitioner to suggest. There is no upper age limit.
Can Cancer patients and others suffering from serious ailments take it?
Yes. If you are undergoing chemotherapy, and for people in come, there is a different way to take these please ask your practitioner.
Can these help in Weight Loss?
Yes, by treating the emotion behind emotional eating and not being able to let go of stubborn fat, weight loss is one of the easiest things with Bach Flowers. The motions that are treated usually are- mood swings, emotional loneliness, inability to stick to an exercise regime, low self-confidence, not willing to believe that you can lose weight, stuck anger, making the same mistake again and again, a desperation to lose the weight that leads to stress, bitterness nurtured for a long time, resentment and many more. When we work on these, it becomes very easy for the body to lose extra weight.
Can they strengthen the immune system?
Yes. When the emotions start to balance themselves, the new cells of our blood, tissues and organs (that regenerate themselves every few months) are stronger than before. This results in a stronger and more capable immune system and hence a better ability to fight disease.
How does one take these medicines?
These can be taken as pills or drops as prescribed by the practitioner.
Can these be couriered across India?
Yes. Please contact our team on 9811626045 for more details.