What is Mediumship?
This service helps us to connect with our loved ones, who may not be part of the Earth realm anymore. As a Medium, I am gifted with the ability to connect with departed souls and provide hope and comfort to their grieving families.
You Should Take This Reading If
You want to connect with a departed loved one.
How Will It Help You?
It gives a sense of comfort and peace
It gives answers to questions that you may have
It helps in finding closure
It helps in knowing “why” in cases of sudden, traumatic death
It helps moving on from grief
What Can You Expect After The Session?
A sense of peace
Many people sleep much better
Many sense hope after the session- that death is not the final destination
Call At
+91 9711626526
INR 85,000/-
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Spirit disturbed if we do a mediumship session?
The spirit is not disturbed when we do a mediumship session. Sometimes it would like to communicate family and give important messages to them.
Usually, we wait 30 days post the spirit has passed on from earth to do this session, but depending on case to case basis this time period can be lesser.
How does the mediumship session work?
There are many types of mediums. I personally work with communicating with spirits outside my body. This means that the spirit communicates with me clairvoyance and gives messages to their family and loved ones.
Do we need to be physically present to do a mediumship session?
You could do a session in person or messages could be channelled and sent through an email.
Is it painful for the spirit if we do a mediumship session?
It is not painful for the spirit. The spirit is in the spirit world where there is a lot of peace And happiness. The spirit has to come to a level and match the energy of the medium. Once this is done, messages can be exchanged.
How should we prepare for this session?
It is best to know a couple of things before you come for this session:
​The purpose of this session is to know that you are loved one is ok. That they are at peace and would like to communicate with you. Important messages can be exchanged during this session.
You can come prepared with your questions to make the most of this session.
There is no anger, blame, guilt or any other negative emotion in the spirit world. Most communication with spirit is about love and forgiveness.
It will be good if you had a good night’s sleep before you came for this session.
Once a session is completed and the spirit moves on, no further messages can be exchanged. Should you want to connect with them again, please book a new session.