What Is Automatic Writing?
Imagine if you could sit across from your Spirit Guides and get all the answers that you need. Answers that include advice on your relationships, money, job, health, career, kids, and much more. Wouldn’t life be wonderful and easy to navigate? Automatic Writing, put simply, is the ability to write messages that do not come from your mind. These messages come from Spirit Guides, your Higher Consciousness –in difficult situations as a beacon of Light.
How many days is the workshop for?
The workshop is spread across two full days.
What is covered in the workshop?
Safely opening your Third Eye
Understanding of all realms of the Spirit World
Soul contracts
Identifying Life purpose and Soul lessons
A journey of the soul cross lifetimes
Channelling past lives, identifying roles to this life
Understanding key relationships- why are they difficult?
Meditation and techniques to help you channel
Identifying and communicating with Spirit Guides
Understanding and learning Psychic abilities
Strengthening connection with Spirit Guides
Learning how to differentiate messages from Ego and Mind versus those from guides
What to do if negative energies come?
How to know if you are meant to be a healer?
Connecting to the departed*
Crystals to help you channel and strengthen your connection
Automatic Writing Rules
Tips on strengthening channelling
Learn all Psychic abilities, and know about your personal gift
Learn to read auras
Learn to sense energies
Know about Spirit Orbs
Grounding and protection techniques from negative energies
Learn about 12 types of Energy Bodies
Lifetime support, opportunity to attend this workshop again if required
You should do this workshop if
You have been looking everywhere for answers, but haven’t still found solutions
You want to know about the purpose of your Life
You are drawn to certain people and would like to know what is the connection?
Some of your fears and phobias are not of this life
You dream a lot and want to know what they mean
You feel a presence sometimes, but don’t know what it is
A sense of déjà vu (that this has happened before) is common
You come to know things before they happen
You are drawn to past lives, healing, spirits, something beyond logic and practicality
You have read about the third eye and spiritual healing
You feel your purpose is to heal and help others but you don’t know how to go about it
You sometimes see bright flashes of colour in a normal day
You can sense energies when you meet people or go to places
Your faith in the Divine is strong, but you are not religious
You want to connect to someone who has departed, want to get messages
You want to know about Akashic Records and how they affect you
You want to live your best life, but feel that it is blocked by some force
You can sense black magic but can’t prove it
You are a writer, and writing doesn’t flow
You would like to hone your skills more as a healer
You would like to connect to your client’s energies to help them more
You feel that you have a big mission but don’t know what it is, and cannot connect to it
What is different about this workshop?
It is a completely experiential workshop. You channel and write your answers in these two days, and all your questions are answered. There is pre-work done a week in advance to prepare you for these two days. There is post-workshop support- exclusive- for 21 days post the workshop. Lifetime support to answer queries related to Automatic Writing. The best part is that everyone identifies with their Spirit Guides and this relationship goes on for a lifetime.
What clients have to say about this workshop?
Automatic Writing workshops are conducted once every quarter. Or if there are overwhelming requests to for the same.
Please call us on +91 9711626526 for upcoming dates
Meanwhile, drop us your email & we'll keep you informed
Frequently Asked Questions
How can Automatic Writing help you in your day to day life?
Your decisions are always guided (by your Angel guides)
Lesser confusion about issues in life
Building stronger relationships
Better self-esteem, high confidence
Higher ability to handle challenges with a smile
Lesser mood swings
Forgiveness in relationships, and with yourself
You know your Life purpose- this gives you clarity about your career
More patience- you know everything is happening for a reason and will happen in divine time
Feel supported (by your guides)
Lesser blame for others and no blame for life
Able to find closure in death- you know that this life is only a part of many lives
If you are a writer, your blogs/stories will flow with much more ease
Are only spiritual people able to do this course?
This course is taught in a way that anyone can do it. There is no pre-requisite for it.
Who are our Spirit/Angel Guides? Can we interact with them?
Angel guides are our “teammates”. Their job is to ensure that we understand the soul lessons that we came on Earth to learn. They also are in charge of ensuring that we live our highest purpose on Earth. They are trying to get our attention through signs and symbols.
Through this workshop, we get to interact with our guides- we see them, hear from them, and can remain in touch for the rest of our lives. What a gift!
Will I be able to get messages for myself about the future?
Yes, you can get messages and guidance about your future. You could also get messages for your family- though this depends on how much you tune your intuition.
Is this a one-time course?
It is taught over two days. Once you learn it, you are welcome to join a repeat workshop at no fee (food charges apply).